3 Bottles

After the marriage, the bride put a box next to her bed and told her husband never to open and check, whats inside of it. 40 years passed and the husband impatiently opened the box and found there 3 empty bottles of beer and $14,000.

In the evening during the dinner he tells his wife...

HUSBAND: Darling, I have to admit, I opened the box. Would you explain why there are 3 bottles?
-WIFE: You see, whenever I cheated on you, I emptied a bottle of beer and put it in a box.

The husband gives it a pause and thinks, "Well, 3 times, that isnt so much. And why do you keep the $14,000 there?"

The wife replies, "Well, when the bottles do not fit in the box, I return them and get back the deposit."
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