The Original Raffle Ticket

A women exclaims to her husband one day at dinner, that she had been thinking of getting out more with the girls. Out of respect to her husband, she asked if he would be willing to sacrifice some of their time together to allow her this opportunity. It would only be one evening a week, and he could pick the day of the week that he felt would least infringe on the quality time that they both share together. He agreed to the idea and said that Wednesdays would be good.

The first night out came. When the man's wife came home, she was sporting a very beautiful and expensive diamond necklace. He inquired as to where the jewels came from knowing that neither of them (though not poor) could not possibly afford such a thing. His wife explained that she and the girls on their first night out, decided to go to a raffle, and ended up winning the expensive necklace. The man accepted his wife's explanation, and said nothing more about it.

The next Wednesday evening came and the girls went out again. This time the woman came home with an I-phone 6. Once again she explained that they went back to the raffle after having such good luck the first time and was just as fortunate again. Once again her husband accepted her explanation.

The third night out came. Once again the woman came home with a very costly item, a brand new luxury Range Rover car. This time her husband was noticeably perturbed. She once again explained that her expensive merchandise was a result of a streak of luck at the raffle.

The woman sensing that her husband was uneasy about all that had transpired since the girls started having their night out, decided to spend the next Wednesday home with him. She had planned to make love to him like never before. She was going to make it an evening he wouldn't forget. She decided that the best way to start the evening off would be for both she and her husband to take a long, hot, relaxing bath together. She asked him to run the bath. Now she heard the water running in the bathroom but only for a few seconds. She went to see what was going on. To her surprise, her husband had only filled the tub with about one and a half inch of water. She said to her husband, "That's not nearly enough water for two people to take a bath in."

He said, "Yeah I know, but I didn't want to get your 'raffle ticket' wet."
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