Terrorist Leader

The inspector of Police enters the station and orders...

INSPECTOR: Today, we're going to finally arrest the notorious leader of the terrorist group that has been terrorising this city.

Fearful at the thought of coming face to face with the terrorist group, each of the Police officer gave an excuse...

1ST POLICE OFFICER: Sir, I can't go.


1ST POLICE OFFICER: My wife just gave birth.

2ND POLICE OFFICER: I can't go too sir.


2ND POLICE OFFICER: Because my sister is seriously sick

3RD POLICE OFFICER: Sir, my newborn baby's naming ceremony is today.

4TH POLICE OFFICER: My dad's birthday is today.

5TH POLICE OFFICER: Sir, I think I'm down with malaria.

6TH POLICE OFFICER: Sir, my uniform is torn.

INSPECTOR: Ok, we will all go next week.

They all chorused, "Sir, there's a public holiday next week."
gabriel gmw
780 117
Views: 23102

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