Sucking Oranges!

A young teanage girl was a prostitute and for obvious reasons hid it from her grandma.

One day the police arrested, a group of prostitutes including the girl.

The prostitutes were instructed to line in a straight line on the side walk. And of course, who should be walking on the street but the little old grandma. The young girl became frantic.

Sure enough the grandma notice her young granddaughter and asked curiosly,

GRANDMA: What are you lining up for dear?

Not willing to let her grandma in on her secret, the young girl said that some people are giving out free oranges, so she was lining up for some.

GRANDMA: Mmmm sounds lovely, I think I'll have some for myself

She continued as she made her way to the back of the line. A police officer, made his way to the back of the line asking all the prostitutes some questions.

When he got to the grandma at the end of the line, he was bewildered

POLICE OFFICER: But you are so old, How do you do it?

GRANDMA: Oh that's easy sonny, first I remove my dentures and suck 'em dry.
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