My Dear Country

Akpos went to the American Embassy for a student visa, and the process of his interview with the white lady went this way...

WHITE LADY: What are you going to the USA for?

AKPOS: To study.

WHITE LADY: Which city, school and which course do you wish to study?

AKPOS: Chicago, Economics and Statistics. These are my admission documents.

WHITE LADY: But there are many Universities in Nigeria that offer this course and you still want to travel as far as USA to study the same course? why? I doubt your genuine intention and therefore cant give you the entry visa that you have applied for.

AKPOS: (angry) Please give me back my passport let me get out of this place! What do you think is in USA that is not in Nigeria, what do you think that I will see in USA that we dont have in Nigeria here? Do you think that USA is in any way better than this country and if you think that USA is better than Nigeria, then why have you chosen to stay in Nigeria instead of your country America?

WHITE LADY: (angry and passionate about her dear country stood up and said) Look Im gonna give you entry visa to USA so that you gonna travel to America and see what is in USA The difference between America and Nigeria.

(she stamped the visa for Akpos).
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