Shocking Story!

The Shocking Story of a Girl Named Amina

On that fateful day, Amina was on her way to school when a motor cycle knocked her down! She was rushed to a nearby hospital immediately.

That night in her dream, an old woman, in a white garment, appeared to her and warned her sternly, saying, "As soon as you are discharged from the hospital, you must wash the blood stains from that cloth you wore that day you were involved in an accident otherwise something terrible may happen to YOU!"

Amina thought it was just an ordinary dream not until she saw the same old woman in her dream again and again and again... telling her to wash the blood stains from the cloth.

This time, Amina was frightened and told her mother the dream. Her mother simply told her to do exactly as she was told.

The moment Amina got home from the hospital that very day she was discharged, she soaked the cloth and started washing. She washed and washed but there was still a bit of bloodstain on the cloth because the blood stains had dried already. She got tired and rinsed the cloth like that. It was a white gown.

That night in her dream, the same old woman appeared to her again and told her to wash the cloth very well that there was still bloodstains on it which may cause something terrible to happen to her. When Amina woke up, she checked the time, it was 4:00am, everywhere was still dark. She was consumed by fear! And because she was afraid of the old woman's caution, she got up, took the cloth and started washing.

She scrubbed it so hard that it felt like it was going to tear. Amina was scrubbing the cloth so hard that tears almost started dropping from her eyes when all of a sudden, someone tapped her from behind.
She turned and behold, the old woman in her dream had appeared to her in real life! Fearful, Amina got up to run but fell down. The old woman drew closer to Amina and said softly,

"Henceforth! Use ARIEL detergent to do your washings."
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Pinkyz white's picture

seriously i thought something bad was going to happen to her

Badpaul_2010's picture

So that's why she woke up around 4:00,some people are just crazy.

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