Stingy People

Who is the stingiest person among these 5 people...

1. The man who 'flashes' to remind you to call him back.

2. Your girlfriend who you bought airtime for and she ends up 'flashing' you to call her.

3. The friend you visited and you perceived the aroma of good pot of soup from his kitchen and he is still telling you that he is hungry and needs food from you.

4. The man who has no money with him and has walked for hours under the hot sun and ends up picking N5000 off the ground, but still refuses to enter a cab.

5. The person who is reading this and would not want to COMMENT.

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Views: 32626


zubi's picture

Is funny

nike's picture

What of a man who has acar nd walked from ere to abuja with fuel in is car bcos fuel scarcity is approaching

mahyrie's picture


herbert essah's picture


Anonymous 's picture

Lol! Like durh! I love number 4!

peace's picture

Very funny lolz

softboy's picture

Very funny

Tycoon's picture

Lol, funny

GFC's picture

The one who pick money and still prefer to treck.

Rachael Star's picture


Orhewere Matthew's picture

I swear na d 4th person we stingy pas

RachaelStar's picture


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