Japanese Sex

A Japanese couple is arguing about how to perform highly erotic sex.

HUSBAND: Sukitaki, Mojitaka!

Wife replies, "Kowanini! Mowi janakpa!"

Husband says angrily, "Toka a anji rodi roumi yakoo!"

Wife, on her knees, literally begging, "Mimi Nakoundinda tinkouji!"

Husband shouts angrily, "Na miaou kina Tim Kinji!"

I can't believe you just sat there trying to read this! You don't know any Japanese! You'll read anything as long as it's about sex...

Sometimes I worry about you. You're in need of serious help!

347 55
Views: 6730


mustapha.ahamadu1's picture


gimmy's picture

not me,you read before you wrote,and also why cant you just thing about sex,you have cattarh in your brain,go for deliverance

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