Girls, Please Learn how to interact

Some Girls don't even know how to chat or interact. They will be the first to inbox you and they will make the conversation boring.

Sandra: Hi
Kingsley: Sup
Sandra: Gud (They wont even ask you ''how about you?'')
Kingsley: Thats nice
Sandra: k

2 days Later...
Sandra: Good morning
Kingsley: Good morning dear, how was your night?
Sandra: Fine.
Kingsley: I can sense it
Sandra: k

30 minutes Later...
Sandra: I love your write up
Kingsley: thanks, what do you like about it
Sandra: Nothing
Kingsley: But you said you just liked it
Sandra: Kk

1 day Later
Sandra: Hi Kingsley
Kingsley: Sup?
Sandra: Kkk.....
4012 1713
Views: 277766


Na so girls be oo

Badpaul_2010's picture

But you be girl na

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