Do Not Urinate Here!
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/06/2014 - 15:07
A signboard which reads "DO NOT URINATE HERE. OFFENDERS WILL BE FINED 500 NAIRA" was by a road side. A man was caught urinating at the exact spot by a police officer and their conversation goes thus:
POLICE: Why are you urinating here? Didn't you read the signboard?
MAN: I'm sorry.
POLICE: You'll have to pay a fine of 500 naira
The man gave the police officer 1000 naira and demanded for his change:
POLICE: You'll have to urinate one more time because I have no change.
POLICE: Why are you urinating here? Didn't you read the signboard?
MAN: I'm sorry.
POLICE: You'll have to pay a fine of 500 naira
The man gave the police officer 1000 naira and demanded for his change:
POLICE: You'll have to urinate one more time because I have no change.
Views: 75180
See nigerian people sha
See nigerian people sha
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