How to Buy Fuel

Do you want to buy petrol? Here are few tips for you:

1. Go to any major expressway and wait.

2. Identify any moving petrol tanker suspected to be loaded with the product.

3. Follow it, non stop, to its destination even if it is going to another state (you would probably be the first on the queue)

4. Wait for it to discharge.

5. Then buy and leave.

These steps worked out yesterday for my friend when he followed a tanker from Lagos to Benin to buy fuel. On his way back, he followed another tanker from Benin to Lagos to top up his tank!

Don't thank me. What are friends for?

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iam_ltron's picture


poliah's picture

hmmnnnn,,i can't laugh ooo,,even if d tanker is going to zamfara

adewaley's picture


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