Where Do Babies Come From

A little boy was at a house party with his parents when suddenly he asked his mom, "Mom, where do babies come from?"

Shocked, the mom replied, "Go ask your dad."

So the little boy went to his father and asked, "Dad, where do babies come from?"

Shocked, the father said, Go to your grandma."

So this went on and on until finally, he came to his mother again. Out of breath, the boy asked, "Mom, I'm really tired from running around all day... please, just tell me, where do babies come from?!"

Giving up, the mother replied, "Well, when your dad and I got married, we really wanted a boy so we took a seed and placed it under a rock under a tree and prayed really hard for a boy... so the next morning, you were there.

Satisfied with the answer, the little boy wanted to try this for a little boy too. So that night, he took a seed and placed it under a rock under a tree, went to bed and prayed really hard for a little boy for himself.

The next morning, he jumped out of bed and ran to the tree. Angry and disgusted to see a frog on the rock, he picked up the frog and said to it, "Listen here son, you tell no one... I repeat, no one that I'm your dad!"

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ayo's picture

nice post

stellamaris's picture

Jeeeeessssssssss dis is ridiculous

Anonymous's picture

Every funny

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