Smart Phone

A conversation between Akpos and Emeka:

AKPOS: Emeka. Please, give me your phone, I want to call my girlfriend. I don't have credit in mine.
EMEKA: (hands phone to Akpos) No problem, but be quick with the call.
AKPOS: Thanks alot.

(Akpos dials girlfriend's number, makes a quick phone call and then returns happy and excited)

AKPOS: O boy, this your phone na correct phone oh, wetin be the name?
EMEKA: Yes oh, na blackberry smart phone.
AKPOS: Kai, no wonder dem dey call am 'smart phone'. The phone sabi no be small. Do you believe, when I typed and dialled my girlfriend's number on your phone, it showed the number as 'My love'. How did your phone know that I'm calling my girlfriend?

One word for Akpos?
1959 130
Views: 61337


Thankgod usman's picture

U don die

focus's picture

E don be

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