Funny Sayings

Virginity is the best wedding gift any man would receive from his newly wed wife, but lately, there's nothing as such any longer because it'll have already been given out as a...

The real meaning of I'm finished is when at night you lock the door to kill a snake and then electricity goes off...

Sometimes I Think About These... 1. What's Satan's last name? 2. Can animals commit suicide? 3. If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? 4. How...

When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

MTN is giving out free GLO recharge cards to all ETISALAT customers using AIRTEL lines.

Some Girls have never seen the doors of a gym but look physically fit because of running from one man to another.

Where are Those friends in Primary School who'll say, "If I slap you, you'll fly to America!" Please come and slap me, I'm tired of the country.

Even if GOD decides to call everyone from heaven, NIGERIAN GIRLS will still ask Him, "HOW did you get my phone number?"

Some guys will say a girl doesn't like them because they don't like money... You self do you like yourself as you don't have money?

At the age of 25, you have a ring on your nose instead of your finger My sister, are you a bull?!
