Bad Television
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 06/15/2015 - 20:36
A man brought his TV to the electrical shop, because it had no sound.
After a week, he went to take it back, but the electrician said that he couldn`t find the damage.
ELECTRICIAN: Sir, how exactly did it stop working?
MAN: Well, I was watching TV and was dabbling with a nail in my ear and suddenly the sound stopped...
After a week, he went to take it back, but the electrician said that he couldn`t find the damage.
ELECTRICIAN: Sir, how exactly did it stop working?
MAN: Well, I was watching TV and was dabbling with a nail in my ear and suddenly the sound stopped...
Views: 28316
It Is A Lie If It Is True
It Is A Lie If It Is True That His Hear Is Blocked How Can He Hear What The Television Repairer Said
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