Mathematics Question

Akpos was preparing for his A Levels Mathematics Examination. The more he studied, the more he seemed not to understanding a thing. he consulted Angelina for help.

AKPOS: Baby, I've been trying to solve this question since morning but I'm not getting any where with it.

( 60-53+10=what will you have?)

ANGELINA: Ok, lets reason it this way, if you have 60 (sixty) wraps of Indian Hemp and you smoke 53 (fifty three), after consuming 1(one) big bottle of whisky you then smoke another 10 (ten) wraps, what will you have?

AKPOS: Ah! I will have a brain damage, high blood pressure stroke, first grade madness, paralysis and comatose.

ANGELINA: That's exactly what this Maths question will give you when you solve it.
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Badpaul_2010's picture

Okay na

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8 + 10 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.