Akpos The Taxi Driver

A Japanese tourist hailed a taxi in Nigeria and asked to be taken to the Ahmadu Bello Airport.

On the way, a car zoomed by and the tourist responded, "Oh! Toyota - Made in Japan! Very fast!"

Not too long afterward, another car flew by the taxi. "Oh! Nissan - Made in Japan! Very fast!"

Yet another car zipped by, and the tourist said, "Oh! Mitsubishi - Made in Japan! Very fast!"

Akpos, who is 100% Nigerian, was starting to get a little annoyed that the Japanese made cars were passing his taxi when another car passed the taxi as they were turning into the airport. "Oh! Honda - Made in Japan! Very fast!"

Akpos stopped the car, pointed to the meter, and said, "That'll be 5000 naira ."

The tourist exclaimed "5000 naira? It was short ride! Why so much?"

Akpos smiled as he replied, "Meter - Made in Nigeria. Very fast!"

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Con2rol's picture

Nice one.still laughing .contact me on wat zup 08065544247 ladies

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