Marriage Jokes

A cockroach's last word to a man who wanted to kill it "Go ahead and kill me, you coward. You are just jealous that I make your wife scream more than you do when I climb her!"

Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the state fair every year. Every year Stumpy would say, "Martha, I'd like to ride in that there airplane." And every year Martha would say, "I...

Akpos: Musa, if your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?Musa: Ofcourse, my dog! Akpos: Why your dog?Musa: My dog...

Husband buys 5 of the same color of pants for his wife. WIFE: Ah! Same color? People will think i don't change my panties.HUSBAND: Which people?

A man and his wife are having drinks, and he says, "I love you!" She asks, "Is that you or the beer talking?" He replies, "It's me talking to the beer"

Two blondes meet in the afterlife. "How did you die?", the first one asks. "Oh! I died in a freezer" the second blonde replied. "So how did you die?" The second blonde asks, "...

Akpos who was a houseboy usually sneaks into his Oga's room, drinks his wine and adds water to top it up. One day his Oga bought a new wine called pasties, it was a french wine...

AKPOS: My wife gives me sound adviceOCHUKO: Really?AKPOS: Yeah, 99% SOUND, 1% ADVICE!

EKAETTE: Akpos why have you been staring at me all day?..AKPOS: Ochuko said I should man up & face my problem

A man went to the pub with his wife. When he left for the counter to buy drinks a prostitute approached his wife and whispered "You must demand cash before sex, I know him he...
